春節歓迎 外国人可以玩的性用品商店 飛田新地 Play Sex in Toblita
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日本古代的卖淫区。 有一个装饰性的窗口,您可以看到对方的脸。 外国人也可以玩,但费用要高于日本人。 20分钟16,000日元是基本费用,并且延长时间。 该区域禁止摄影。 让我们保持礼貌。
Japan's ancient prostitution area. There is a decorative window so you can see the other person's face. Foreigners can also play, but the fee is set higher than the Japanese. 16000 yen in 20 minutes is a basic charge and extra time is extended. Photography is prohibited in this area. Let's play with keeping manners.
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